
WOW Music

CHANGING LANES Samuel L. Jackson, Ben Affleck DVD NEW

About This Item


Please Note the Region Code 
DVD's will only play in players for this region or multi region players.

Modern society draws lines between right and wrong, good and evil, rage and redemption. A moment of self-absorption and a spark of anger will cause two men to cross them. As the battle of wills escalates, both lives are changed forever. Samuel L. Jackson and Ben Affleck star in a provocative and gripping drama that exposes the best and worst in all of us.




Purchase Information


All Items are ORIGINAL and Brand NEW

CD’s & DVD’s manufactured in Australia are often not plastic sealed or shrink wrapped


Australian Buyers



§ Payments can only be made through PayPal

§ Payment Terms strictly 7 days

§ All item posted – strictly no collections


Accepted Means of Payment

§ PayPal

§ Visa (through PayPal)

§ MasterCard (through PayPal)

§ Australian Money Order


Product Compatibility

International Buyers


Most of our DVD titles are generally in PAL format and will work on all Australian & New Zealand Televisions and DVD Players (any exceptions to this will always be listed in the item description). Many current Televisions and DVD Players are both PAL and NTSC compatible.


Customers from the U.S and Canada will need to ensure that their equipment is compatible (check manual).


§ International payment through PayPal only in Aus$

§ We do not accept foreign cheques or money orders

§ Please check product compatibility before purchase.


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