About This Item |
Please Note the Region Code
DVD's will only play in players for this region or multi region players. Ned lived a happy life growing organic vegetables on a farm with his hippie girlfriend and his dog named Willie Nelson, but an unadvised incident with marijuana at a farmer's market lands him in jail. When he gets out of jail, he is off to live with his sisters. While Ned is still happy, his sisters are much less so after he manages to screw up one marriage, one job opportunity, one budding relationship and one domestic partnership. He sees those problems as breakdowns in communication, but his sisters see him as an idiot.
Purchase Information |
All Items are ORIGINAL and Brand NEW CD’s & DVD’s manufactured in Australia are often not plastic sealed or shrink wrapped |
Australian Buyers |
Payments |
§ Payments can only be made through PayPal § Payment Terms strictly 7 days § All item posted – strictly no collections |
Accepted Means of Payment § PayPal § Visa (through PayPal) § MasterCard (through PayPal) § Australian Money Order |
Product Compatibility |
International Buyers |
Most of our DVD titles are generally in PAL format and will work on all Australian & New Zealand Televisions and DVD Players (any exceptions to this will always be listed in the item description). Many current Televisions and DVD Players are both PAL and NTSC compatible. Customers from the U.S and Canada will need to ensure that their equipment is compatible (check manual). |
§ International payment through PayPal only in Aus$ § We do not accept foreign cheques or money orders § Please check product compatibility before purchase. |